Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prom Season

How many people do you know that are excited about prom?
Prom is a fun night for high school seniors. As seniors in high school, its time to graduate and we think we are grown. Our parents are leary about prom night. We all like to hang out and enjoy ourselves. We have to be smart and do what's best for us as young ladies and men. Most of the time ladies spend prom night with their date and before you know it something happen that was not suppose to go down. I know many people who have taken action on something they regret. So to prevent this problem i encourage everyone, that yes on prom night you are suppose to enjoy but be safe and careful. Know your surroundings. On prom night and any other night please use protection if you are having or planning to have sex. As young ladies we should still allow ourselves to have a curfew. In my opinion we should be in the house at a respectable time.